Fall 2022 Seminars

Fall 2022 Catalog

Seminars will be available both online and In-person, so please pay attention to the location when you choose the seminar.  For In-person seminars, the location is subject to change, depending on public health guidelines and the whims of the venue.  If there is a circumstance that is outside of the control of FCLIR and the seminar can continue to be in-person we will attempt to keep the location to a nearby address.

5CLIR provides ZOOM assistance and tech support to members.

Membership for the 2022-2023 membership year, which begins on May 1, 2022, is a prerequisite for enrollment. See our Membership and Dues page.

To be included in the first round of class assignments, including ‘the lottery’, you must register by May 23, 2022. Registrations received after that will be added to classes as space is available, or to waiting lists.  Full Seminars are indicated in the table below by color background. Members can still register for Full seminars, and join the Wait List, but please ensure that you are selecting a second as well as third choice if you are knowingly choosing to Register for a Full Seminar as a First Choice.

Register for Fall 2022 Seminars:  Click Here to Register 

Fall Seminars

ModeratorTitleCourse NumberDay AM/PM
Ellen Kosmer, Betsy SiersmaWill you walk into my parlor?22F-WWPMON AM
Kip FonshBob Dylan22F-BDLMON AM
Bobbie Reitt, Joan McKelveyFriendship22F-FRDMON AM
Jay Russell2022 Midterm Elections22F-MIDMON PM
Nancy Coiner, Helen ReganExploring Middlemarch22F-EMMMON PM
Henia Lewin, Carol JollyWriting to Remember (Blue)22F-WTRBMON PM
Jessie TroppIdiomatic22F-IDITUES AM
Miriam Whitney, Margaret RussellIndigenous Peoples Today22F-IPTTUES AM
Jeanne Ballantine, Catharine PorterWhat I Wish I’d Asked – And Shared22F-WASTUES AM*
Linda HonanRationalism in American Religion22F-RARTUES AM
Rachel BorsonTaboos and Moral Foundations22F-TMFTUES PM
Jane McMurrichGreat Inventions in History22F-GIHTUES PM
Jim HarveyThe Golden Age of the Persians22F-GAPTUES PM
Niel Novik, Tyll van GeelAre you now or have you ever been..22F-AREWED AM
Larry Ambs, Kathy CampbellDevelopment of Early Cities22F-DECWED AM
Kay Klausewitz, Jim HarveyLife Along the Connecticut River22F-LACWED AM
Gerald GoldmanTwo Norwegian Detective Novels22F-NDNWED PM
Finnegan Alford-CooperWriting to Remember (Purple)22F-WTRPWED PM
Michael Miller, Robert CohenSomewhere Over the Rainbow22F-SORWED PM
Chuck AulinoShort Stories to Share22F-SSSTHURS AM
Rutherford Platt, Gene FisherJane Addams and Hull House22F-JAHTHURS AM*
Catharine Porter, Trish CallardWriting to Remember (Red)22F-WTRRTHURS AM

*Sessions are Canceled for low enrollment.