Workshops: Art

Year Session Title Moderator(s)
1993 F Watercolor Irene Sufrin
1994 S Watercolor Irene Sufrin
1994 F Watercolor Irene Sufrin
1995 S Watercolor Painting Irene Sufrin
1995 F The Clay’s theThing Margo Porter
1995 F Watercolor Painting 4 Irene Sufrin
1995 F Watercolor Painting 5 Irene Sufrin
1996 S Watercolor Painting 7 Irene Sufrin
1996 F Basic Drawing Lisa Rock
1996 F Watercolor Painting 6 Irene Sufrin
1997 S Watercolor Painting 8 Irene Sufrin
1997 F Watercolor Painting 9 Irene Sufrin
1998 S Watercolor Painting 11 Irene Sufrin
1998 F Watercolor Painting 10 Irene Sufrin
1999 S Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Virginia Senders
1999 S Watercolor Painting 13 Irene Sufrin
1999 F Watercolor Painting 12 Irene Sufrin
2000 S Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Ginnie Senders
2000 S Watercolor Painting 14 Irene Sufrin
2000 F Watercolor for Beginners Irene Suffrin
2000 F Watercolor: A Studio Class Irene Suffrin
2001 S Watercolor for Beginners Irene Suffrin
2001 S Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Ginnie Senders and Nylda Glickman
2001 S Watercolor: A Studio Class Irene Suffrin
2001 F Watercolor for Beginners Leila Shapiro
2002 S Open Art Studio Elizabeth Armstrong
2002 S Portrait Drawing/Painting Sally Lawton
2002 S Beginning Watercolors Leila Shapiro
2002 F Watercolor Painting Ginny Senders
2002 F Portrait Drawing/Painting Sally Lawton
2003 S Playing with Clay Sally Lawton
2003 F Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Ginny Senders
2003 F Playing with Clay Sally Lawton
2004 S Portraits and Still Lifes Sally Lawton
2004 F Portraits and Still Lifes Sally Lawson
2005 S Portraits and Still Lifes Sally Lawton
2005 F Painting and Drawing Sally Lawton
2006 S Painting and Drawing Sally Lawton
2006 F Painting and Drawing Sally Lawton
2007 S Painting and Drawing Sally Lawton
2007 F Watercolor and Drawing Sally Lawton
2008 S Watercolor and Drawing Sally Lawton
2008 F Water Color and Drawing Sally Lawton
2009 S The History of Photography Paul Berman
2009 S Foundation of Portrait Drawing Cosimo Favaloro
2009 S Watercolor Painting Sally Lawton
2009 F Foundation of Portrait Drawing Cosimo Favaloro
2009 F Art for Fun and Framing Sylvia Favaloro
2009 F Watercolor Painting Sally Lawton
2010 S Collage and Its Antecedents Don Maiocco
2010 S The Art of the Still Life Cosimo Favaloro
2010 S Drawing from a Model Sally Lawton
2012 S Watercolor Revisited Betsy Van Dyke