Biographies of the Leaders of the American Revolutionary War

Moderator: Richard Szlosek
Role of participants: Choose a leader of the revolution and give a report on that individual’s entire life.
Number of participants (including the moderators): 16-18
Time: Mondays, 1:30–3:30 pm
Place: Smith College, Lilly Hall, Room 308, Northampton
Parking: You will be issued a Smith College campus parking permit

We will look at the leading individuals of the revolutionary war and report what they did before the war, their contributions to the war and what happened to them afterwards. This is not a military history of the war.

Each participant will present a 25-30 minute report on an individual chosen from a list provided by the moderator. There will then be a 20-25 minute discussion on that report.

Format: Seminar

Resources: Local libraries, bookstores and Amazon have biographies on almost all of the individuals of that period.

The Moderator: Rich Szlosek is a regular LIR moderator, leading seminars on American history and literature.