Ongoing Programs Spring 2017

To participate in a Special Program, contact the Facilitator.
No registration form is needed.
For questions regarding accessibility, parking, guest attendance, etc. contact the program facilitator.
All events and locations noted may be subject to change.

Note from Special Programs Committee:
The Special Programs committee would like to hear from any member with an idea they would like to propose to begin a new Special Program offering.  If you are interested in facilitating a new Special Program, contact the Special Programs Chair, Kay Klausewitz or co-chair Ilene Rosenfeld.
If you need transportation to a special program, contact one of the chairpersons listed above or the facilitator.

An Afternoon of Poetry and Prose

Facilitators:        Bob Barker (emcee) and Kay Klausewitz
Day and Time:  Friday, April 7, 2:00-4:00 PM
Location:            Lathrop Northampton Community House, Northampton
LIR members will read their original poetry or prose for the enjoyment of members and guests. Presenters will share their original work. This is not a “slam” or a competition.  We want you to be a presenter!  Please pre-register your desire to participate by contacting Bob Barker.

Book Interest Group   ***Temporarily Closed to New Members***

Facilitator:         Naomi Yanis
Day and Time: Monthly on varying Fridays September-May
(not conflicting with Opera Prep), 2:00-4:00 PM
Location:           Member’s home
This group meets once each month from September through May, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, on various Friday afternoons, not conflicting with Opera Prep. Responsibility for leading the discussion of each book is rotated among the membership of the book group, with meetings held in members’ homes. We read a variety of contemporary fiction and non-fiction, as well as literary classics. The choices for the year are made early in the summer, so some of the reading may be done when more time for reading might be available.

Encore Presentations and Friday Lectures

Facilitators:         Larry Ambs and Katy van Geel
Day and Time:   Fridays as per published schedule, 11:00 AM
Location:             Applewood, Amherst
Enjoy our Friday programs reprising some outstanding seminar presentations that members believe would be of general interest. Occasionally we host outside speakers who discuss topics of interest to our membership.
Information about specific programs is listed in the monthly 5CLIR Newsletter and the on-line calendar.

Finding Family

Facilitator:                  Bobbie Reitt
Co-facilitator:            Kay Klausewitz
Dates and Times:      February 23 at 1:30, March 23 at 1:30, and May 25 at 1:30.
Location:                      Member’s homes
Finding Family may be of interest to any 5CLIR member interested in researching his or her family
history. We share information about resources and methods we find to be useful. We have both newcomers and veteran researchers among us, and we find that the mix of varying levels of experience to be helpful.
A special treat this year is the opportunity to attend the New England Regional Genealogical Conference on 26—29 April in Springfield at the Mass Mutual Center. We will be arranging carpools for LIR members registered to attend.
For topic focuses, addresses, and driving directions for these meetings, please call or email one of the facilitators.

French Conversation

Facilitator:         Judith Pool
Day and Time: Fridays, 1:30-3:30 PM
Location:           Judith’s home in Northampton
This is a group of 5CLIR members who enjoy speaking and learning French.
Contact Judith to register your interest in this program.

Opera Prep

Facilitator:          Peg Bedell
Day and Time:   Fridays preceding Operas (see schedule), 2:00-3:00PM
Location:            Northampton Lathrop Community House Meeting Room
A series of HD video productions by the Metropolitan Opera is shown at the Hadley Cinemark Theater on Saturday afternoons.
Peg Bedell offers an introduction to each opera and the featured performers each session.

The remaining Friday Opera Prep dates this season are:
Dec. 9, Jan. 6, Jan. 20, Feb. 24, March 10 & 24, April 21, and May 12.
The LIR monthly newsletter, or a call to Peg will provide further details.
Anyone may attend any session and Lathrop residents are encouraged to attend.
Please car pool and park considerately on Shallowbrook Drive.

Photography Near and Far **New Group **

Facilitator:            Marty Espinola
Day and Time:    First Tuesday of the month 12:30-1:45
Location:              Amherst Media Center.
This special program is offered for those who want to learn how to improve their photographs,
how to better use their camera or other photographic equipment, or to learn about new approaches and techniques.  Depending on the interests of the group, short field trips will be planned to sites that offer special photographic opportunities.  Special instructional presentations will be provided depending on the needs and wants of the group.  Open to all LIR novice and experienced photographers who enjoy taking pictures.

Salon Music

Facilitators:        Jerry Goldman & Carol Rundberg
Day and Time:   3rd Friday of each month, 10:30 AM
Location:            Northampton Community Music Center, 139 South St., Northampton
“Quien ama la musica, ama la vida ” (Who loves music, loves life.)

Enjoy the shared ambience of salon music making in which each musician, whatever their musical level, plays a selection for the group in a relaxed atmosphere. This is what LIR member music makers do once each month. Music makers are amateurs (lovers of music) who have in some cases returned to an instrument after a long hiatus, in other cases are beginning to learn an instrument.
To discuss becoming a music maker or to be put on our e-mail list please contact either faciltator.

Science Roundtable

Facilitators:         John Armstrong and Larry Ambs
Day and Time:   3rd Thursday of the month, 4 times per semester, 2:00-3:30 PM
Location:             Hitchcock Center for the Environment, Amherst
Science Roundtable is a discussion group for anyone interested in current issues in science. At each session we discuss one or two main topics presented by one of our members or a guest speaker. We reserve time at the end of each session for questions and informal discussion and we encourage members of the Science Roundtable to suggest topics for future sessions or to lead discussions themselves.

A background in science is not needed to participate nor do you have to attend all sessions. If you are interested in participating and are not already on our mailing list, contact one of the facilitators so you will receive information about each upcoming session via email.

Theater Interest Group

Facilitators:               Gary Roodman, Kay Klausewitz
Dates and Times:     As arranged each season
Location:                   Various, includes travel arrangements
The Theater Interest Group enjoys attending professional-quality live theater plays and musicals at the many active theaters outside our usual familiar communities yet most still within an hour’s drive.  Matinees are preferred and transportation will be arranged.  Sometimes the performance will include talks related to the show offered by the theater.  Sometimes lunch might be arranged on a “pay your own” basis.  Group discounts make the shows more affordable.  Physical needs will be considered (such as hearing assistance, wheelchair ramps).  Guests outside of LIR may come with you.  Possible venues are Hartford, Springfield, Lenox & Stockbridge, Adams, Pittsfield, and Greenfield, and Worcester.For details on arrangements see the 5CLIR newsletters or contact the faciltators.


Facilitator:           Hy Edelstein
Day and Time:   1st Thursday month, year round, 12:30-2:00PM, except January 7th at 1:30-2:30PM
Location:             Highland Valley Elder Services conference room, Florence
This is an open, informal, spontaneous discussion group, a fresh departure from the formal presentations and discussions in our seminars.  However, it does adhere to our peer-learning mission.  While preparation is not required, at each session several topics proposed by participants are discussed –- topics which may be drawn from a whole spectrum of events and trends in society/culture, concerns over developments in public/private life, issues in the humanities/technologies. Discussions over such matters, drawing on the spontaneity, spirit, thoughtfulness, and good humor of its seasoned participants, are indeed enriching learning experiences.