Current version of the 5CLIR Operations Manual
The selections below have been transcribed because they are already referenced from other pages on this site (the Participants Handbook, the Moderators Handbook). Hopefully the Operations Manual can be put on line in a similar format in its next iteration.
Lottery Procedure for Oversubscribed Seminars
A lottery is held, if needed, for oversubscribed seminars, based on registrations and choices that are received in the 5CLIR office by the lottery deadline. The lottery system is designed to allocate fairly the available places in these seminars, so that all members have a chance of being selected.
Each member’s seminar choice is assigned a computer-generated random number. A different random number is assigned for each separate phase of the process, that is, for a member’s first choice, second choice, third choice, etc. of seminars.
In the case of two members who indicate they wish to attend their first choice seminar together, one number is assigned to both members for that seminar.
When a seminar or workshop is extended to a second semester, no registration preference will be given to those who have taken the first semester. (12/2012)
Phase One: This occurs among those for whom the lotteried seminar is first choice:
- The first selected are those who were lotteried out of a first choice in the previous term, or whose first choice the previous term was canceled after the lottery.
- The second selected are the moderators of seminars offered in the same semester as the seminar or workshop in which they seek to enroll. Co-moderators enjoy one such privilege and must decide between them who will claim the privilege.
- The third selected are new members in the first semester in which they are able to submit their registration form before the lottery deadline.
- Persons who have any of the above privileges, and moderators, may not partner with another member. (That is, if two members request to attend a first-choice seminar together and so are assigned a single random number for that choice, none of the privileges listed above apply.)
- The remaining spaces are filled and wait-listed according to assigned random number positions.
Phase Two: This occurs among those for whom the lotteried seminar is a second, third, etc. choice.
- For those who have selected a seminar as a second choice, spaces remaining after allocation of first choice requests are filled and wait-listed according to assigned random number positions.
- The above procedure repeats itself for third choice seminars, then fourth choice, etc.
In order to maintain the integrity of the lottery system, two Curriculum Committee members will verify the lottery results. It is recommended that these include: one of the Curriculum Committee co-chairs and one additional Committee member.
(Summary of THE 5CLIR SYSTEM FOR ALLOCATING PLACES IN OVERSUBSCRIBED SEMINARS revised 11/7/2002, 3/2006, and 11/17/2009 and 2013 by the Curriculum Committee.)
Participant Responsibilities: Registration
The responsibilities of seminar participants begin with filling out the registration form. Registrants must carefully read the instructions on the registration form and fill out the form as directed. A failure to answer all the questions or the provision of erroneous information may result in a failure to register.
If the question regarding the maximum number of seminars/workshops in which one seeks to enroll is left blank, it will be assumed that the registrant seeks to enroll into a maximum of one seminar/workshop.
Two people who seek to “partner” when registering for a seminar/workshop must fill in the same information on the two registration forms, e.g. list the same seminar/workshop with regard to which they want to partner, and give that seminar/workshop the same preference ranking on the registration form. Failure to provide the same information will result in the effort to partner not being honored.
Participant Responsibilities: Attendance, etc.
Dropping a seminar or workshop/replacing members: Members who wish to drop a seminar or workshop should give the Office Manager and moderator(s) as much notice as possible, and do so as soon as they become aware that they will not be participating in the seminar or workshop. If there is a waiting list, others may want to take the opening. In addition, the moderator(s) may need to adjust the seminar or workshop schedule.
Regular attendance is assumed. If, at the outset, a participant is aware that he or she must miss two or more sessions of a seminar or workshop, the participant should check with the moderator(s) before enrolling to determine whether that would be acceptable. Sometimes absences are unavoidable. The moderator(s) should ask members to let the moderator(s) know in advance if possible when they will need to miss a meeting, so that the moderator(s) doesn’t have to wait for the participant’s arrival at the start of the session. This is especially true if the participant is on the schedule for that day.
Participants in seminars are expected to contribute to the learning of members by fulfilling all expectations of preparation prior to each session and by participating actively. If it is part of the seminar’s design, for example, they may be expected to make a presentation and to support it with audio-visual aids if appropriate, or lead a discussion.
Participant Expenses
Out-of-pocket expenses associated with a seminar or workshop, such as copying charges and video expenses, are to be borne by the participants. The catalog description should include information about anticipated costs of this nature. Individual participants who find the additional cost a burden are invited to contact the Treasurer for financial assistance. Furthermore, general information about seminars in the catalog will include the statement that seminar or workshop members in any seminar or workshop may be asked to contribute up to $2.00 each for copying costs incurred by the moderator, whether or not that cost has been stated in the catalog. (11/2004)
Policy for Guests in a Seminar
As some presenters are uncomfortable with visitors, moderators should consult everyone in a seminar or workshop (privately with the scheduled presenters) before admitting guests to a session. Individual guests are limited to one session a semester. (9/2007)
Exchange of Ideas and Materials
In the spirit of its mission statement, 5CLIR holds as core values the free and full exchange of ideas in an atmosphere of mutual respect for the ideas and sensibilities of others. Freedom of speech, including the expression of ideas that may be unpopular, is vital to the learning on which our organization is built. Equally important, the recognition of deeply held views and the discussion of such views should take place in an atmosphere of mutual respect and civil discourse. Expressions of potentially controversial opinions should take place under respectful conditions in which time is allowed for discussion.
Similarly, materials distributed at seminars or events should be related to the topics at hand and express views that are relevant to the discussion. The circulation of petitions or materials and/or remarks that request that people take some political or social action is prohibited.
Special responsibility falls on seminar moderators and those organizing or presiding at other 5CLIR events to ensure that civil discourse is maintained. It is incumbent on each member of 5CLIR to follow this policy. (2/2010)