Interest Groups 2020-2021

At this time, 5CLIR in-person programs are continuing online; please email the contact person for information.

To participate in a program, members should contact the facilitator.  No registration form is needed.


Facilitator:  Naomi Yanis at email
Day and Time:  Monthly on varying Fridays, September – May, 2:00-4:00 PM
Responsibility for leading the discussion of each book is rotated among the membership of the book group. The choices for the year are made early in the summer, so some of the reading may be done when more time for reading might be available.


Facilitator: Lise Armstrong email
Date/time:  3rd Wednesday of the month, 4:00PM
The Classic Film Club members view a film from the Kanopy classic film archive during the month, and then discuss it at the meeting. 


Conveners:  Pam Daniels and Tyll van Geel
Day and Time: Third Thursday of the month at 4PM, December 17, 2020 – June 17, 2021.

Each month, a participant will select a film for the next session, and prepare to lead an informal discussion. We will watch the films on our own time between the meetings. The Kanopy film archive is available at, and you can set up a user id using your library card or university ID. The range of movies available without charge on Kanopy is significant including many Criterion films, drama and comedy from the golden years of Hollywood, and many productions of Shakespeare.
Participants:  Minimum of 8 and maximum of 12 max (including conveners). New members are encouraged to join.


Facilitators: Jim Harvey, Kay Klausewitz
Date/time: contact facilitators
This program will focus on several components of our family histories. One important source of information is the family tree which documents the DNA part of our heritage. We will have some instructional time to introduce some genealogical tools and resources available to us. A second source is the collection of stories that have been passed down by word of mouth. The third important source of information about our heritage is an understanding of the cultures that shaped our ancestors’ perspectives. We will spend our time sharing what we can discover about each of these sources.  The facilitators can be emailed at
Jim Harvey
Kay Klausewitz


Facilitator: Paul Berman email
Date/time: 3rd Friday of the month, mornings
Each month we will discuss a topic having to do with medicine, especially recent news and medical ethics. A case will be ready to help start the discussion each month as necessary. 


Facilitator: Lise Armstrong  email
Date/time: September- June, 4th Thursday of the month, 2:00 PM
This is a book club focused on books considered to be classics of literature. Each month a new book is read, and discussed at the meeting 


Facilitator: Nancy Clune
Date/time: one Wednesday per month (TBA), 4:00 PM
Join other incurable readers for an informal round table one Wednesday afternoon a month @ 4:00 pm. Whether you prefer literary fiction, biographies, nonfiction, science fiction, plays, detective series, or graphic novels, you’re welcome to join this eclectic group. We talk about what we’re currently reading (or listening to), where we get our recommendations, trends in publishing, and anything else that interests us. No prerequisite or homework!


Facilitator: Jay Russell  email
Date/time: 3rd Thursday of the month, 2:00-3:30 PM
Viewpoints is a monthly round-table discussion, facilitated by Jay Russell, of current domestic and international events and issues (often, but not always, political), and other subjects not necessarily tied to the headlines of the day (such as cultural appropriation, the impacts of social media and technology and societal polarization).  Each month’s participants choose four topics for roughly 20 minute discussions.

During the Zoom era, Viewpoints will meet from 2:00-3:30 on the third Thursday of each month.
If you have any questions or wish to be included on monthly Viewpoints reminder emails and Zoom invitations, please email Jay.


Facilitator:  Judith Pool email
The French Conversation group has transitioned to email during the COVID pandemic.

(Temporarily cancelled)

(Temporarily cancelled)