Music: Miscellaneous

Year Session Title Moderator(s)
1993 F Music Exploration Norma Brown
1995 S Nothin’ but the Blues Jay Melrose
1996 S The Magic of Music Norma Brown
1997 S The Big Bands Jay Melrose
1998 S Song through the Centuries Eleanor Reid
2001 S World of Gershwin Joe and Gloria Tyrol
2004 S Classical Musicals David Navon
2006 F Musical Expression in Performance Diedrich and Barbara Snoek
2006 F A Choral Music Sampler Laura Cranshaw
2007 S American Folksongs Ruth Hooke and Dottie Rosenthal
2007 F A Choral Music Sampler Laura Cranshaw
2008 F A Choral Tour of Europe Laura Cranshaw
2009 F Choral Music in (mostly) English Laura Cranshaw
2010 F Contemporary Choral Music Laura Cranshaw
2011 S Music of the Silk Road/ Side trip to Java Candy Carlisle
2011 S All about Musical Instruments Sue Gerstle
2011 F Swing and Sway: Big Bands and Swing Music Peter Reitt and Norman Winston
2012 S Gilbert and Sullivan: An Introduction and Appraisal Michael Greenebaum