Literature: Poetry

Year Session Title Moderator(s)
1989 S Four Poets of the Connecticut Valley Marjorie Kaufman
1993 S Enjoying the Poem Walker Gibson and Marjorie Kaufman
1994 S Say it With a Poem Walker Gibson
1997 S Emily Dickinson, Her Work Elizabeth Armstrong
1998 S Pastoral Poetry Isabel Holden
1998 F Encounters with Poetry Elizabeth Armstrong
2001 S Chaucer in Love Helen Dysinger
2001 F Homer’s Heroes: The Rage of Achilles Bob Grant
2002 S Homer’s Heroes: The Return of Odysseus Bob Grant
2003 F Contemporary American Lyric Poetry Wil Hastings
2004 S Sonnets: Shakespeare’s and Others’ Helen Dysinger
2004 S Homer’s Heroes: The Rage of Achilles Bob Grant
2004 F Poetry of Contemporary American Poets Wil Hastings
2004 F Poetic Potpourri Ed Buck
2005 S Robert Frost and After: NE Poetry Marilyn Sidwell and Helen Dysinger
2006 F Sufi Poetry from 8th to 14th Centuries Wil Hastings
2007 S View of the Valley from Emily’s Window Sheila Klem
2007 S American Poets Laureate Kathy Hazen
2007 S The Poetry of WB Yeats Michael Greenebaum
2007 F Ten Contemporary American Women Poets Wil Hastings
2008 S Selected Contemporary Poets Sue Case
2008 F Ecstatic Poetry: Leaving This World Wil Hastings
2009 S Reading Poetry: American Poets Laureate Katherine Hazen and Suzette Jones
2009 F Irish, Welsh, and Irish-American Poets Katherine Hazen and Lu Stone
2010 S Poetry in Translation Kathy Hazen and Carol Ames
2010 F California Poets Katherine Hazen
2011 F New York Poets Katherine Hazen and Patricia Wright
2011 S Reading Poetry: Black Poets/20th Century Katharine Hazen and Julie Schlobohn
2012 S Selected 20th Century New England Poets Katharine Hazen and Anne Lombard