Moderators: Neil Novik and Rich Szlosek
Role of participants: Each participant will make a presentation on a topic from a list developed by the co-moderators or on a topic chosen in consultation with the moderators.
Number of participants (including the moderator): 18
Time: Mondays, 1:30–3:30 pm [Note: no seminar April 13]
Place: Smith College, Lilly Hall, Room 308, Northampton
Parking: You will be issued a Smith College campus parking permit
The seminar will look at many aspects of the ’30’s, a decade of economic and environmental hardship as well as one of technological and cultural advances.
Some of the topics for discussion may include the elections of 1932 & 36; the Dust Bowl; the New Deal; radio’s Golden Age; the Big Band Era; race relations and the Lindbergh baby kidnapping. A complete list of potential topics will be provided at the preview.
Format: Seminar
Resources: Websites, films, articles and books on the 1930’s are widely available. Moderators will be available to assist participants in researching their topics.
The moderators: Rich Szlosek is a retired attorney and frequent LIR moderator. He has previously led a class on the 1920’s. Neil Novik is the former co-owner of the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley. He has a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Connecticut and participated in the class on the twenties.