The Body Has a Mind: A Survey of Alternative Medical Practices

Moderator: Fred Bogin
Role of participants: The participants will be asked to read articles about the different modalities we shall explore. After a guest speaker presentation the participants will engage in active Q & A. Each week one or two participants will lead the second hour discussion, ideally based on more in-depth research on the topic of the week.
Number of participants (including the moderator): 13-16
Time: Thursdays, 9:30–11:30 am
Place: Rockridge Retirement Community, Recreation Room, 25 Coles Meadow Road, Northampton
Parking: Ample parking on site

The seminar will be a survey of Alternative Medical practices. I plan to have multiple guest speakers (e.g. acupuncture, massage, Reiki, etc.) who will give a 20 to 30 minute presentation, followed by active Q & A. The second hour of the session will be devoted to a critical review of the topic after the speaker leaves.

I have a commitment from guest speakers in the areas of massage, acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, and Reiki thus far. I shall review the area of medical hypnosis. I plan to search for practitioners of biofeedback, mindfulness meditation, craniosacral, herbal therapy, and possibly one or two more. Each topic/modality to be explored will include a look at potential benefits, potential risks, and whether there is any scientific evidence to support the practice in question.

Format: Seminar

Resources: A list of specific readings will be available at the Preview.

The moderator: Fred Bogin is a retired pediatrician with extensive training and experience in the field of Hypnosis. He has had a long-standing interest in Alternative Medical Practices. He was involved in teaching medical students and pediatric residents for much of his career.