History of Medicine

Moderators: Bonnie Strickland and Betsy Loughran
Role of participants: This seminar will be discussions about the history of medicine.  Participants will choose a particular topic to research such as “Women Healers through the Ages” and give a half hour presentation to the group to be followed by a half hour discussion.
Number of participants (including the moderator): 18
Time: Wednesdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
Place: Amherst Woman’s Club, 35 Triangle Street, Amherst
Parking: Ample parking on site

This seminar will cover the history of medicine from prehistoric times through future directions.

Primitive humans called upon supernatural spirits to heal their sick while modern medicine relies on science.  DNA and research has replaced spirits and shamans. Today’s medicine has evolved over thousands of years as each generation built on the knowledge of earlier times.  Looking at the history of medicine shows how ideas, treatment, and techniques have developed over the centuries.

Format: Seminar

Resources: A Short History of Medicine E.H. Acherknecht, 1982 (text).

Additional references:

  • A History of Medicine N. Magner 1992
  • Exploring the History of Medicine H. Tiner 1999
  • Medical History for Students  J.R. Green 1968

The moderators: Bonnie Strickland, a psychologist, has taught at UMass for over 40 years. She has been an active member of LIR for the last several years and has co-moderated one seminar. Betsy Loughran is a long time member of LIR and currently serves as Treasurer. Her professional career involved being the CEO of a large, non-profit organization charged with delivering mental health services within the community.