Moderator: Jim Harvey
Role of participants: Participants will be expected to give a short (30 min) presentation on some aspect of Roman history, culture or life. They will also be asked to read a book (TBD) on Roman life and history, and participate in the weekly discussion.
Number of participants (including the moderator): 17
Time: Mondays, 9:30-11:30 am [Note: earlier time]
Place: Smith College, Dewey Hall, Common Room
Parking: You will be issued a Smith campus parking permit
This seminar will explore the politics, culture and daily life of the Roman World from the time of Caesar Augustus to the end of the first century.
Among other things we will look at the careers of such figures as Caesar Augustus, Caligula and Nero as well as the arts, government, engineering, religion and the various aspects of the daily lives of both patricians and ordinary Roman citizens. We will also discuss the impact of Rome on the development of Christianity and Judaism.
Format: Seminar
Resources: To be determined.
The moderator: Jim has been leading seminars for more than 10 years, many on history. He is particularly interested in ancient civilizations.