Lesser Known Giants of the 20th Century

Moderator: Charles Aulino
Role of participants: Each week a participant will present a report on one of the “lesser known” giants.  There will then be open discussion on that report for the remainder of the time.
Number of participants (including the moderator): 12
Time: Wednesdays, 10:15 am–12:15 pm [Note: later time] Place: Amherst Media, 246 College Street (Route 9, toward Belchertown), Amherst
Parking: Ample parking on site

The seminar will examine and discuss eleven life stories from the moderator’s published book.

The name of my book is Lesser Known Giants of the 20th Century.  It contains short biographies of I.J. Paderewski, A.P. Giannini, Moe Berg, Max Schmeling, Joe Louis, Branch Rickey, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, Medgar Evers, Katharine Graham, Paul Winchell and Edward W. Said.

Format: Seminar

Resources: As mentioned above, the resource will be Lesser Known Giants of the 20th Century.  I have free copies for those who wish to participate.

The moderator: I am retired from the field of personal finance having been trained as an attorney with tax specialization.  The life stories compiled in the book are the product of a five year hobby.

Additional Information: The average length of the biographical essays is 45 pages and so each story is, I think, a “manageable morsel”.