Moderator: Patricia Tillona
Role of participants: Participants will give a presentation (30-45 minutes), either written or verbally about themselves, family members, relatives, and/or other connections that had an impact on their lives. In other words, this is more than just an autobiography. Include childhood memories and stories told from one generation to another.
Number of participants (including the moderator): 18
Time: Mondays, 10:00 am–noon
Place: Loomis Village, 3rd Floor Conference Room, 20 Bayon Drive (off Route 116), South Hadley
Parking: Ample parking on site
In this seminar we will be discussing our lives, the roads taken or not taken and the people who have influenced our choices and had an impact on our lives.
You may have a unique story to tell, (i.e. you might remember sitting around the kitchen table helping great Aunt Betty recreate some family recipes while she talks of the old country). Even if you don’t think the stories are unique, others may. We are relying on our memories. But we can ask for stories from family members and old family friends. Maybe your grandmother kept a diary, an old letter or two. Old photos help tell the story too.
Format: Seminar
Resources: There is no required reading. We will not be discussing a book. However, if you think you need a guideline to follow, think about how Alex Haley wrote Roots. Simple stories handed down from generation to generation by family members.
The Moderator: I am a native New Yorker, I have a BA from U-mass and M.Ed. from Antioch New England. I’m a retired early childhood teacher. I have been in LIR and in the special program Finding Families for five years. So you might say, I’ve been storing up memories.