The Post Title block is set to have size XXL, appearance Semibold, and line height 1.15 (although for sure you don’t want a post title that’s longer than one line!
Headings! This is H1, size XXL, appearance Medium, line hgt 1.15.
In general, I don’t think I would use H1. Maybe this is a prejudice left over from what I was told about how mobiles work though. So we’ll see.
Heading 2 is size XL, appearance Medium, 1.15.
This would be my normal main heading, smaller than the page title.
Heading 3 is size L, Medium appearance, 1.15. This is far enough to go with the Medium appearance. What is next?
Remember that ordinary text is size M. Appearance is just set to “default”, but I expect that means Regular. And at the moment, the line height in paragraphs is 1.5. (I think this is %. The default may have been 1.6?)
Heading 4 is size L, appearance Light and 1.15. Maybe useful for some applications.
Here’s some paragraph text underneath, for contrast.
Heading 5 appears to be, by default, size M, appearance Bold, and all caps, with line height 1.6
And unlike the preceding headings, it does not have excessive padding above.
Heading 6 is like Heading 5 except that the appearance is light, like Heading 4.
OK, I think I can live with this for now. My remaining objections have to do with padding, which in my opinion are too large for H2, H3 and H4.