Using My Calendar

Documentation at

I looked through the settings, modified some(?), and created one event (the Spring Preview on December 4, 2022.) Now I am trying to figure out how you do the displays. The documentation is weak. There are supposed to be three views. They all look useful, but how do I get them??

Let’s try shortcodes.


Well, that was mildly interesting. It gave me a grid. It had my event on November 21 instead of December 4. It had his demo event on November 23. The heading is weird, it’s not one month. I changed what little I could on the MyCalendar => Shortcodes Main tab. I went back to MyCalendar => Settings Display tab and enabled nav and toggle, and then put “nav,toggle” in the “navigation above calendar” box on the Shortcodes Main tab. They ended up below. However, the grid view now looks a lot better. Apparently it is important to check that list view shows only one month, because then the title of the grid view improves markedly as well.

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