2019 Annual Meeting Minutes(print)
May 5, 2019
Smith Campus Center, Smith College, Northampton, MA
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by President Ellen Kosmer.
The minutes of the previous year’s Annual Meeting were approved unanimously.
Kathy Campbell, Treasurer, presented the 2019-20 budget. Dues will remain the same next year. The FY 2020 Operating Budget, approved by Council, estimates income of $72,250 and expenses of $72,250.
President Kosmer introduced the chairs of LIR’s standing committees and noted that most committees are seeking additional members.
Jonathan Jay presented the Nominating Committee’s slate of officers for 2019-20. Jake Greenburg was previously elected Vice President/President Elect, so will become President as of July 1, 2019. Ellen Kosmer will serve as Past President.
Vice President/President Elect: Nancy Denig
Secretary: Bev von Kries
Treasurer: Nancy Mihevc
Assistant Treasurer: Robert Cohen
President Kosmer invited additional nominations from the floor. None were made.
President Kosmer thanked Jonathan Jay and all the members of the Nominating Committee for their work. She then introduced the candidates for three-year terms on Council, beginning July 1: Kip Fonsh, Pat Jorzak, Jane Kristal, James Lee, Laura Price, and Robin Varnum.
Next, President Kosmer invited comments from the membership. One member asked for clarification regarding the list of nominees for Council; President Kosmer reconfirmed the names of the candidates.
President Kosmer next asked for a vote to approve an amendment to the bylaws, previously approved by Council, that provides for filling a vacancy in the office of Past President. The amendment was approved unanimously. President Kosmer thanked Jonathan Jay for his work in drafting the amendment.
President Kosmer introduced the incoming President, Jake Greenburg, and invited him to offer some remarks. Jake said he is pleased and honored to serve as our new President for the coming year. He thanked Ellen Kosmer for her service as President and Vice President. He also expressed appreciation to the members of the Executive Committee and the Council for all of their work. Jake particularly enjoyed his work with the committee chairs in recent months, and feels we have a good sense of our vision and direction for the future. Jake encouraged the members to consider joining a committee and enrolling in seminars.
President Kosmer offered closing remarks. Ellen thanked the Executive Committee for their support throughout the year. Ellen also expressed great appreciation for all of the hard work provided to support the Great Decisions program, the 30th Anniversary celebration, the Edith Wharton Special project, and the drafting of a new bylaw. Ellen concluded by encouraging members to join a committee.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Barker