registration is full as of June 1
Some Short Stories and a Novel:
stories set in 19th century Manhattan
Edith Wharton, (1862-1937), was born into a old-money, privileged society
with a strict code of behavior. Although she “escaped” to Europe to a milieu
which allowed her the independence and freedom she needed
to lead a literary life, some of her best fiction is set in her native city.
Wharton was the first woman to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize which she received in 1921 for The Age of Innocence.
Moderator: Elizabeth Armstrong
4 meetings : Tuesday 7/9, Thursday 7/11, Tuesday 7/16, Thursday 7/18
TIme: 10:00 AM – Noon
Location: Applewood in Amherst, Conference Room
Registration limited to 13 members.
Members will read assigned texts, lead a discussion of one or more stories, and prepare questions for a group discussion of the novel The Age of Innocence.
Publications and other resources that will be used by all participants (authors, titles, and editions if applicable; maximum 150 words):
1) The New York Stories of Edith Wharton selected and with an introduction by Roxana Robinson, published by The New York Review of Books 2007
2). The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, any edition
Note: all the assigned reading ( specific stories and novel) is available free on the internet
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© 2016 Five College Learning in Retirement
Smith College
18 Henshaw Ave., C2
Northampton, MA 01063
(413) 585-3756