Moderator: Martin Espinola
Time: Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30 pm [No seminar April 20]
Place: Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, 127 Combs Road, Easthampton
Parking: Ample parking on site
This is a 10 session workshop for those who want to more clearly express the essence of what they see when using a digital camera. It will focus on the use of artistic composition and use of the features available on today’s digital cameras.
The guidelines for artistic composition will be presented in the first class. Thereafter it’s weekly practice “shooting” and reviewing results together. The structure will be somewhat informal with discussion of how to best convey what inspired the taking of the photograph. There will be simple explanations of the features of modern cameras and how they can be used to visually express what the mind-eye sees. The moderator will be available to meet after sessions.
Format: Workshop
Role of participants: Participants should be familiar with the basic features of their cameras. Along with commentary from the moderator, participants will be asked to analyze their own images in light what they have learned about composition and the use of their own camera to achieve desired results. One to three self-selected images will be shared with the group at each session for analysis. Images may be viewed on a laptop computer, or by providing a memory card or thumb drive for projection.
Number of participants (including the moderator): 10
The Moderator: The moderator has been a newspaper and freelance photographer. He has taught adult education courses and presented a variety of workshops on photography. He presently focuses on nature photography and exhibits locally.