Literature: Fiction

Year Session Title Moderator(s)
1989 F The Modern Political Novel Joseph Frank
1991 S Jane Austen Alex Page
1992 F George Eliot’s Middlemarch Jean Sudrann
1995 S French Stories: Voltaire to Camus Doris Guillumette
1995 S Reading the Masters: Henry James Self-directed
1995 F The Mystery Story Thelma Isaacs
1995 F The Mystery Story Thelma Isaacs
1995 F Reading Masters II:EM Forster Self-directed
1996 S The Films and Novels of E.M.Forster Nicole Dunn and Florence Barondes
1996 S Reading the Masters: Edith Wharton Self-directed
1996 F Jane Austen Revisited Mary Egginton and Betty Johnson
1996 F Reading the Masters: Wm. Faulkner Self-directed
1997 S Reading the Masters: Willa Cather Catherine Pitoniak and Peg Bedell
1997 F Reading the Masters: Mark Twain Peg Bedell and Catherine Pitoniak
1998 S Reading the Masters: Virginia Woolf Peg Bedell
1998 F Reading the Masters: Thomas Hardy Peg Bedell and Linda Stairmand
1999 S Southern Women Writers Peg Bedell and Linda Stairmand
1999 F Latin American Voices in Fiction Doris Leonard and Nylda Glickman
1999 F Reading the Masters:George Eliot Peggy Bedell
2000 S Brontes of Haworth Linda Stairmand
2000 S Great American Short Stories Elizabeth Armstrong
2001 S Reading the Masters: F. Scott Fitzgerald Linda Stairmand
2001 F The Novel in 18th Century England Elizabeth Armstrong and Linda Stairmand
2002 F King Arthur and the Round Table I Helen Dysinger
2002 F Novels of Charles Dickens Elizabeth Armstrong
2003 S Reading Short Stories Linda Stairmand and Elizabeth Armstrong
2003 S King Arthur and the Round Table II Helen Dysinger
2003 F Hawthorne and Melville: Selected Works Elizabeth Armstrong
2003 F Revisiting Jane Austen in Print and Film Peg Bedell and Florence Barondes
2003 F Two Novels by William Faulkner Celia Martyn
2004 S Revisiting Jane Austen in Print and Film Peg Bedell and Dorothy Gorra
2004 F Three Novels by Toni Morrison Celia Martyn
2004 F Graham Greene Eleanor Shattuck and Dorothy Gorra
2005 S What the Dickens! Elizabeth Armstrong
2005 S EM Forster: Four Novels and Films Barbara Reitt and Dorothy Gorra
2005 F The Secret Life of Fairy Tales Wil Hastings
2006 S The Secret Life of Fairy tales Wil Hastings
2006 S Sherlock Holmes Leo Sartori
2006 S Reading the Masters: Thomas Mann Joanne Kayser
2007 S The Mark Twain “Nobody” Knows Bobbie Reitt
2007 S Middlemarch by George Eliot Celia Martin
2007 F Don Quixote – Part 1 Nina Scott
2008 S George Eliot’s Early Novels Michael Wolff
2008 S Don Quixote – Part 2 Nina Scott
2008 F George Eliot: The Middle period Michael Wolff
2008 F Yiddish Literature Gerald Goldman
2008 F The Immigrant Experience in Literature Peter Ferber
2009 S George Eliot’s Last Two Novels Michael Wolff
2009 S Isaac Bashevis Singer Gerald Goldman
2009 S The Short Stories of Edith Wharton Sophia Ellsberg and Mary Franks
2009 F Family in the Modern American Novel Joan Laird and Barbara Reitt
2009 F Modern Indian Novelists Writing in English Ellen Peck
2010 S Thackery: a Great Novelist Claire Sherr and Michael Wolff
2010 F Whodunit?: The Mystery Novel Joan Laird and Bev von Kries
2011 S Short Works of Tolstoy & Chekhov Claire Sherr and Eva Sartori
2011 S 3 Generations in Modern Egypt:The Cairo Trilogy Ellen Peck
2011 S D.H. Lawrence, Novelist Michael Wolff
2011 F Jane Austen’s Novels: A Microcosm of Life Peter Ferber and Claire Sherr
2011 F William Faulkner and the Old South Gerald Goldman
2011 F Three Novels of Edith Wharton: 19th C. NY & New England Society Mary Franks and Sofie Ellsberg