Tyll and Bob are now administrators of the site at lirstaging.dreamhosters.com. You should have gotten e-mails. Does Katy want to be an administrator? an editor?
This site is still a mess, but I’ve tried to put in enough navigation that maybe you’ll be able to move around in it. It turned out to be really hard to migrate from wordpress.com. As far as I can tell, the advertised turn-key plug-in doesn’t work for wordpress.com sites. I used another plug-in but it was not very satisfactory. Everything (dates, attachments, …) still needs to be fixed manually, and I am a long way from updating links, etc. (A lot of the links go back to 5clir.org.)
You might start by looking at the Pages view. The current 5clir site has almost no structure; everything is a top-level page. I couldn’t live with that, so I’ve created a lot of hierarchy. The home page is actually not a top-level page, it’s under an index page that I created at https://lirstaging.dreamhosters.com/home/. Another place to see the hierarchy is at https://lirstaging.dreamhosters.com/kc-demo-pages/list-pages/.
So far that is the only page under kc-demo-pages but I’ll be making more as I try to design a home page. I suggest that you make yourselves top-level pages tvg-demo-pages, rc-demo-pages and put the experimental pages you create under them.
Note added later: In fact I made those demo pages, as well as one for Katy, who I added as an editor. All four demo pages are children of https://lirstaging.dreamhosters.com/demo-pages/.
I also suggest you keep some notes about your progress as blog posts. The current 5clir site has no posts, only pages. I made some of those pages that should have been posts into posts just for illustration. I have a KC Progress post that I’ve just been adding to, but really I should start a new post. There are two categories for posts at the moment: “web site notes” and “announcements”. Add categories sparingly, but tags more or less at will.
I have moved the great bulk of the pages to be children of ZZZArchives, which pushes them down to the bottom of page views. I will concentrate on cleaning up above that page before I try to do anything with the pages down there. There is an enormous amount of archival information on this site, but we should be trying to make the more-or-less current pages work first.
The installed theme is Astra (free version.) As I think I said earlier, there is a lot you can do with this theme. I am not a big fan of “templates” but you can play around with them if you want. Presumably we can get back out of them. Start at https://wpastra.com/docs-category/astra-customizer-settings/.
I started a footer, and a menu, and activated breadcrumbs, just to help you get started.
I installed several plug-ins. As administrators you can install more.